The concrete block is an anti symbol of nature?

Tree soft coral (Dendronephthya sp.)

I like Soft coral against the backdrop of sunshine.
It’s one of the symbolic scenery of the undersea in Owase.
It’s beautiful, elegant, mysterious.
It’s beauty in nature.
However, this soft coral is standing on the artificial fish reef.
It is made of a lot of concrete blocks.

The concrete block is an anti symbol of nature.
It was installed on the sandy seabed about 50years ago.
The time makes it keep changing from an artificial thing to the natural rock reef.
Thanks to the artificial fish reef, you can enjoy the colorful soft coral and many kinds of sea creatures here.

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The edge of the sea

the bay entrance of Shirasama-beach point

I like the shallows. You can observe creatures for a long time in the warm sunshine. This is the bay entrance of Shirasama-beach point. It is a place where you can enjoy rocky, sandy, silt and various environments.

“The edge of the sea is a strange and beautiful place.” -Rachel Carson