Cute young Reef fish

Amphiprion clarkii (Bennett, 1830) Yellowtail clownfish

Yellowtail clownfish hiding between the tentacles of an anemone.
I create goods like T-Shirt, iPhone-cover and so on. Please visit my shop, by clicking this photo.

This pic, I shot a few years ago at Owase, Mie, Japan. Owase is a small city that belongs to the temperature zone, even though, the colorful tropic scenery under the sea.
Year after year, the seascape is reaching tropical, I feel.
When I started Dive in Owase, about 30 years ago, I couldn’t watch young Yellowtail clownfish. Yellowtail clownfish was the fish that visited from the tropical zone to the temperature zone and couldn’t overwinter so cold as “extinct migratory fish”.
Two decades years ago or so, We often watch adult Yellow clownfish in early spring. We were surprised to know that they were over winter.
And recently, We can see cute small Yellowtail clownfish easily.
It is or not concerned with the earth’s temperature rising, I don’t know.
I can only say that nature is great!

Location: Owase, Mie Japan

Rock Reef princess

Banded Coral Shrimp

Stenopus hispidus   (Olivier, 1811)

One stone is one of the popular diving points in Owase. It is a large monolith rock reef. Many kinds of soft coral are overgrown, and a flock of cardinalfish and colorful Anthias fishes entertain the diver’s eyes.
There are large and small cracks in this rock reef, and you can see shrimp and crabs.

Banded coral shrimp is common shrimp in such rock holes.
Beautifully colored shrimp decorated with red and white bands.
The Japanese name for Banded coral shrimp is Otohime-Ebi. Otohime is the name of a beautiful princess who lives in a fairy tale undersea palace. Ebi is shrimp. Contrary to its name, it is diligent and is known for cleaning large fish parasites.

the virtual MantaFest 2020 has opened

Various events were canceled this year due to the influence of COVID-19. Manta Festa, held annually by Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers, a diving resort in Yap, Micronesia, is no exception.

Manta fest is a diving photo contest held in a very homely atmosphere. Many enthusiastic fans are all over the world, and they fell lonley that the event was canceled. One of those fans, Judy Bennett, has started the virtual MantaFest 2020 on Facebook.

<<Yap family. So, the annual migration to Yap for Manta Fest 2020 should be starting. Instead Covid 19 has thrown a gigantic monkey wrench into everyone’s plans for life this year. Since it had to be cancelled, maybe we can make Manta Fest 2020 a virtual one. Let’s share images and videos from all our other years there together. The people, the places, aquatic life big and small, and of course, don’t forget the beer. Just a few a day, we have 2 weeks worth to share>>…… from group page announcemen

The groupe page aimed to invite people who participated in the Manta fest, to post photos and warm up old relations online.
There are many pictures of a fun atmosphere such as, beautiful underwater scape and participants enjoyed diving, chatting, drinking….

The fun moments come back.
I’m hoping we could get rid of COVID-19 as soon as possible and move freely around the world.

Periclimenes Kobayashi

Cleaner shrimp

Periclimenes Kobayashi (Okuno & Nomura, 2002)
This commensal shrimp finds easy on the tentacle of Dofleinia armata Wassilieff, 1908 which is a venomous sea anemone. Transparent with red spots and a white band. Eyes are impressive. The eyeball is in a transparent sphere and chasing my moving.
at Oobana point (-18m), Owase, Mie, Japan

whip coral garden

in the dim sea bed

Whip coral garden at Nagase point, Owase, Mie, Japan.
This is an inner bay point, but the tide is often fast. So, we can enjoy many kinds of soft coral. I like the whip coral garden. Whip coral is an invertebrate with long, whip-like branches covered in tiny polyps. are living on a big rock. The scenery a lot of the whip coral standing in the dim sea bed is very mysterious. Owase, Mie, Japan March 21 2020 -18m

Camouflage in Purple

Hamodactylus noumeae

“Isobana-Kakure-Ebi” in Japanese.

When a diver illuminates up a gorgonian which looks like a large fan by his underwater flashlight, often, he may find out something reflecting in the light. Looking closely, he will see a very small shrimp staying on the branch. This is Hamodactylus noumeae( Commensal Shrimp). “Isobana-Kakure-Ebi” in Japanese.
They are very tiny shrimps, around 0.5cm. The purple body seen through a transparent exoskeleton is beautiful.
Body-color is depending on a host gorgonian color.
Moreover, most of the body is transparent, so it is hard to find.
They are also masters of camouflage and Ninja under the sea.

Camouflage master under the sea

She is inside

Elegant squat lobster, Allogalathea elegans

The central orange color balls are egg mass.

Do you know Kunoichi? Kunoichi means the Female Ninja. They are hiding, sometimes as a waitress, sometimes a teacher, sometimes as a wife, and performing spy activities. Kunoichi is an expert in camouflage.
Kunoichi is there in the sea also.
Elegant Squat Lobster, Allogalathea elegans (Adams & White, 1848) is one of them.
This pic is not brand new. Several years ago, I took this. Today, I was checking my photos, and I find this. She was hiding in a feather star with her eggs a long time.
Owase, Mie, Japan

Goods: Manta ray silhouette in the Frosted Glass Beer Mug.

So that Manta comes back to life, Put beer in this mug please.

Manta ray silhouette frosted glass beer mug

Designed a stylish Manta ray silhouette in the Frosted Glass Beer Mug. A picture of Manta ray taken in the crystal clear Micronesian Sea arranged in a painting style.

Goods: Manta ray silhouette shot glass

Manta ray silhouette shot glass
Designed a stylish Manta ray silhouette in the Shot Glass. A picture of Manta ray taken in the crystal clear Micronesian Sea arranged in a painting style. After diving requires beer time. So, let I make a mug of the same design.Manta ray silhouette shot glass
After diving requires beer time. So, let I make a mug of the same design. Next time.

Goods: Manta ray silhouette leggings

Manta ray silhouette leggings
Designed a stylish Manta ray silhouette in the leggings. A picture of Manta ray taken in the crystal clear Micronesian Sea arranged in a painting style.

Goods: Manta ray silhouette wooden box sign

Manta ray silhouette wooden box sign
Manta ray silhouette and the diving flag. Tropical cool sea breeze from Yap island to you.