Rock Reef princess

Banded Coral Shrimp

Stenopus hispidus   (Olivier, 1811)

One stone is one of the popular diving points in Owase. It is a large monolith rock reef. Many kinds of soft coral are overgrown, and a flock of cardinalfish and colorful Anthias fishes entertain the diver’s eyes.
There are large and small cracks in this rock reef, and you can see shrimp and crabs.

Banded coral shrimp is common shrimp in such rock holes.
Beautifully colored shrimp decorated with red and white bands.
The Japanese name for Banded coral shrimp is Otohime-Ebi. Otohime is the name of a beautiful princess who lives in a fairy tale undersea palace. Ebi is shrimp. Contrary to its name, it is diligent and is known for cleaning large fish parasites.

Periclimenes Kobayashi

Cleaner shrimp

Periclimenes Kobayashi (Okuno & Nomura, 2002)
This commensal shrimp finds easy on the tentacle of Dofleinia armata Wassilieff, 1908 which is a venomous sea anemone. Transparent with red spots and a white band. Eyes are impressive. The eyeball is in a transparent sphere and chasing my moving.
at Oobana point (-18m), Owase, Mie, Japan

Sun ball

The scenery from under the sea

“How inappropriate to call this planet “Earth,” when it is clearly “Ocean.”
― Arthur C. Clarke

The sunny day of the scenery from under the sea is especially great. The bright sun ball can be seen on the surface at distance. Colorful soft corals are emphasized in the contrast of the deep blue water and white sunbeam. What a wonderful space it is! at Owase, Mie, Japan

Close-up: Basket star テヅルモヅル


Astrochalcis sp. (micropus?) Thanks, Ron Silver

Abstract beauty in the sea. The head of “Medusa” or CG?

Basket star
Tezuru-Mozuru in Japanese

The scientific name of Basket star is Gorgonocephalus. It comes from “Medusa”.
She is the famous monster of Greek myth who has snake hair.
“gorgós” means “dreaded” and “cephalus” means “head” in Greek.
Although it makes me a stone also, it’s meaning I am happy too much.
It is rare to find this creature.
It looks like a moving fractal image reminiscent of early CG. It fascinates me.
So, I can’t move away in front of that, like a stone.
Owase, Mie, Japan. -20m

Macro: Feather star

Abstract beauty in the sea.Vertigo in the feather, feather, feather

Umi-Shida in Japanses

Spirals, and floods of color attract for me. When looking through a macro lens, the usual feather star transforms into abstract art at once. Owase, Mie, Japan

Close-up : Brown-lined puffer キタマクラ

Canthigaster rivulata (Temminck & Schlegel, 1850)

Pretty but venomous

Kitamakura in Japanese

Brown-lined puffer is tiny pretty fish. It is often swimming around colorful soft coral woods. The Japanese name of this puffer is “KITAMAKUR”. KITA is north. MAKUR is a pillow.
In Japan, when people die, there is a custom of turning the head of the dead body to the north.
It means that you will die if you eat this fish, carelessly.
This fish is venomous like other Family Tetraodontidae.
The body of Brown-lined puffer is flatter than another puffer.
It is similar to an edible fish like the filefish. This sinister name is a warning that you should be careful not to make a mistake.

Macro : Shiho’s seahorse ハナタツ

Hippocampus sindonis Jordan & Snyder, 1901

The Maracot Deep

Looking at the seahorse, I always remember a scene from the old science fiction novel “The Maracot Deep (1929)”. This novel is the work of Arthur Conan Doyle, famous for the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The story is the adventure that marine scientists discover the sunken city Atlantis. I can’t forget is the scene where huge size seahorse eating eyeballs of huge halibut. What’s even scarier, the victim halibut have been sucked its eyeballs by the slender mouth of seahorse. So that I was a child age, it made scare my little heart. The seahorse of the photograph is a small size one called Shiho’s seahorse. This is about only 5 cm, tiny, cute, creature. However, if it would be over 10m….. I think stupid thinking. Lol. Owase, Mie, Japan. -20m

Macro : Spindle Cowrie ツヅミガイの仲間

Phenacovolva sp.

Unexpectedly sensitive

This is Spindle Cowrie, Phenacovolva sp. The narrow, tubular shells covered with the beautiful mantle. It is often seen on a blanch of Dendronephthya like a sea fan. So that the color of the mantle is the same as its host color, it is difficult to find out it. It seems that the blue color mass is its eggs.When the spindle cowrie is surprised, it pulls its mantle in the shell immediately. And a slippery shining appears smooth. It is unexpectedly sensitive. Hitotsu-ishi point, Owase, Mie, Japan