A bunch of flowers under the sea

The visibility is not the same in even the same point, you know. We like clear water for diving. However, sometimes, murky water gives us a chance. When I took this photo, the visibility of the surface was awful. On that day, the sunlight didn’t reach the seabed where was ordinary days bright. I was Swimming in dim light with buddies. Suddenly this bunch of Orange cup coral was appearing in the spotlight of my flashlight. All tentacles were blooming. It looked like a bunch of orange color Daisy flowers.
The Orange cup coral might have been mistaken for the night due to the dark surroundings. Owase, Mie, Japan

Sun ball

The scenery from under the sea

“How inappropriate to call this planet “Earth,” when it is clearly “Ocean.”
― Arthur C. Clarke

The sunny day of the scenery from under the sea is especially great. The bright sun ball can be seen on the surface at distance. Colorful soft corals are emphasized in the contrast of the deep blue water and white sunbeam. What a wonderful space it is! at Owase, Mie, Japan